Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Family visits and Baptisms

Haven't blogged in a while.  Been busy with family visits and my baby's baptism.  First my auntie Mary came out to visit.  She was sick so we didn't do a whole lot but we got to play a few hands of cards.  She got to visit with my baby boy and we did make it to the local zoo one of the days.  It was a wonderful visit.

A few days after she left my husband's family came in for our son's baptism.  A day later our friend from TX flew in and my husband's brother.  We made a lot of trips to the airport and managed to get everyone just fine.

The next day was the baptism.  It went well and it was short and sweet.  There was a wedding scheduled right afterward so they had to move the 9 children being baptized through rather quickly.  We went alphabetically so our son was first! 

We had a nice party at our house afterward with lots of food from Costco and family and friends.
Matthew was fantastic for the whole thing and was a very happy baby.  Now he is a cute Christian.

bought some new supplies so hopefully I will get back in the crafting spirit soon.

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